Perinatal Mental Health Projects

Perinatal Mental Health Team at FWT  

The Perinatal Mental Health project was established in 2019 and the aim is to educate and support Black and Minority Ethnic women, including those who are attending antenatal, postnatal and baby clinic  around baby blues, low mood, anxiety, depression and isolation in Coventry. 

This project continues to educate women, providing 1-1 and group support. We work with external partners to ensure that they provide culturally sensitive services by sitting on LMNS and other bodies, provide training to health professionals and identify gaps to take up our services and target groups of women for raising awareness.

The Perinatal Mental Health BME Peer Support Project is run by FWT – a Centre for Women, working alongside the MAMTA Programme (FHLS) and the Perinatal Mental Health Team.

The aim of the project is to educate and support BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) women in Coventry through antenatal and postnatal period around their emotional wellbeing.

If women are experiencing baby blues, have low mood or feeling anxious around the birth of the baby, our Perinatal Mental Health Peer Worker will offer support.

We work with the Perinatal Mental Health Team and other health professionals and will make referrals to relevant agencies where appropriate.

The Support Group

Support Group session held by Surinder Nagra

The Support Group for women who experience perinatal mental health takes place every Wednesday at 10:30am virtually through zoom and the topics of discussions are set by the women who attend.


This video has been produced in partnership with Warwickshire County Council and FWT following consultation with FWT clients who have experienced perinatal mental health. The Film is produced by Bhulla Behgal from Bluebell Films. See link to this powerful film.

Start for Life – Perinatal Mental Health

The Coventry team has extended their services in working within Coventry’s Family Hubs as part of the Start for Life project.  It aims to educate, raise awareness and offer specialist peer support to women around their mental health in antenatal and postnatal period. It specialises this support to BAME (Black and Asian Minority Ethnic) communities in Coventry.  

Rugby Pilot

After a successful Rugby Perinatal Mental Health Project, we are looking into expanding our work to surrounding areas around Coventry.

What we can offer:

We can come and deliver educational awareness sessions on perinatal mental health for women at community organisations and in the community.  

We support women on 1-1 support on their emotional and mental well-being.  

We are also providing:

Support online, on the phone or via WhatsApp video call.

We are currently piloting an online peer support group:

Every fortnight on a Wednesday we have a Perinatal Wellbeing group online on Zoom that runs from 10:30am – 11:30am.

For more information, please contact