Women’s Health: Women’s Voices

FWT in partnership with Coventry Women’s Voices, hosted a ‘Women’s Health: Women’s Voices’ conference at The Welcome Centre, Coventry, on Thursday 8th November 2012.

Supported nationally by the Women’s Health and Equality Consortium (WHEC), this was an event to discuss health issues and in particular the implications for women’s organisations in relation to the current NHS reforms.

Speakers included Zoe Palmer (WHEC), Sue Davies & Esther Peapell (Clinical Commissioning Group), Dr Jane Moore (Director of Public Health, Coventry) and Mary-Ann Stephenson (Coventry Women’s Voices).

Christine McNaught, CEO of FWT – A Centre for Women said

The NHS is currently undergoing a period of substantial reform which will have implications for women’s organisations, such as FWT, working on health-related issues. It will be important for all those affected to understand just what these reforms are likely to mean in practice and to be aware of how to engage and influence the new agencies.

Zoe Palmer, Manager of WHEC, said:

WHEC is creating women-only spaces around the country to ensure that the experiences and needs of women and girls’ are reflected in health and social care policy. We will take all the key issues to government and present a picture that reflects what girls and women tell us they need from the NHS.

Read the presentations and see more information on the reports.

Please see link below, of the new Coventry Women’s Voices report ‘Layers of Inequality’ A Human Rights and Equality Impact Assessment of the Public Spending Cuts on BAME Women in Coventry